While radon remains the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, millions of Americans remain in the dark about this silent killer. While state, national and local organizations seek to raise awareness, supported by testing and mitigation efforts by companies like Radon Crew, misinformation still gets in the way of people taking the necessary steps to protect themselves and their children from radon exposure. We care deeply about protecting people in our service area and beyond from the dangers of radon, so we’ve decided to correct the most pervasive myths about this deadly gas. We encourage you to read and share widely.
MYTH: The Link Between Radon and Lung Cancer is Unproven
Radon’s link to lung cancer has been extensively researched, both in the lab and in patient studies. The science definitively shows that not only is there a direct link between radon exposure and lung cancer, but it also explains how radon causes lung cancer. When radon gas is breathed, its particles become embedded in the lungs. Radon breaks down, quickly releasing radiation into the lungs, resulting in damage and an increased potential for cancer to develop.
MYTH: Radon is only a problem in certain parts of the country
While some areas of the country have higher radon levels due to their geology, industry and construction methods, radon is present in all 50 states. What’s more, it poses a risk wherever it is found. No matter where you live, you should have your home tested for radon. If you live in a higher risk location, you should make the call now. The EPA recommends testing for radon at least every two years, after any major work done on your home, and of course any time you move into a new home.
MYTH: If You’ve Lived in a Home for a Long Time, the Damage is Done and Testing Is Useless
As the National Cancer Institute notes, radon’s most serious effects come from long-term exposure. Because radon typically enters the home through cracks in floors, walls and foundations, the levels of radon in your home can increase over time. Even if you’ve lived in your home for a long time, it’s possible that your exposure to radon hasn’t been consistent throughout the duration of your time there. To prevent further risk to yourself and to your loved ones, testing for radon is something you should do immediately no matter how long you’ve lived in your home.
MYTH: Radon Testing is Costly and Time-Consuming
Radon testing is actually affordable, and made easier through a number of national programs. While short-term radon test kits can be less reliable, they can offer an idea of your radon levels within a week and are available for as little as $15 from National Radon Program Services. Professional testing is more comprehensive and reliable and comes with the added benefit of advice regarding next steps. While these services cost more than small, short-term kits, a number of areas offer financial aid for homeowners who can’t afford them. The long-term cost of illness due to radon exposure is significantly higher.
MYTH: Radon Mitigation is Too Expensive, and May Not Work in My Home
Depending on the levels of radon in your home, mitigation can be achieved quite simply for very little cost. Even more extensive radon mitigation needs are unlikely to carry a price tag over $2,000, and there are a number of national and state resources available to help low-income homeowners pay for them. Additionally, virtually all indoor radon issues can be mitigated with the appropriate services. It is extremely unlikely that your home’s radon problem cannot be solved.
Contact the Radon Crew
Discovering the dangers of radon can be alarming, especially to those just learning about this toxic, odorless gas. The experts at Radon Crew are here to help. Radon Crew offers several testing processes, differing in duration, expense and level of analysis, and will work with you to help determine the right test for your home and budget. We’re also able to install the right system to remove radon from your home, making it a safer space where you and your family can breathe easier. With extensive knowledge about radon and radon mitigation, the Radon Crew will walk with you every step of the process. Contact us today to get started and secure your home from the harms of radon. Learn more at radoncrew.com.