You’re younger; you realized by the ticket on your windshield that your license plate tabs must be renewed every year. You’re older; your computer takes roughly 35 minutes to start up, and the TV has three fuzzy channels. Updates on what’s happening overseas or new studies found aren’t necessarily on everyone’s radar. Even the settled “adult” sometimes isn’t aware of a new release of a National Health Advisory from the U.S. Surgeon General, but here’s one you should know: testing your home for radon is important for your health.
According to the Surgeon General, overexposure to radon is the second largest cause for lung cancer in the United States. Radon is a natural, radioactive gas we inhale every day. We usually inhale a very small amount, but radon can build up to unsafe levels in your home.
Not many people know this. Radon can slip through cracks in floors, walls and foundation. Houses situated on more porous soil and rocks have a greater chance radon exposure. Even rainfall and temperature affect the level of radon in your home. It’s an odorless, colorless and tasteless gas so testing is the only way to ensure safe levels of radon in your home.
Call the crew at 605-336-1000 or email him at sam@radoncrew.com to schedule a test of your home.
Radon Crew—Crew In. Radon Out.