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May 25, 2017 news radon

Radon Mitigation: What Are Those?!

Maybe this is your first time dealing with high levels of radon or perhaps you just want to learn more about the radon mitigation process. Don’t be alarmed by the devices and tools used for radon mitigation; we will explain what each of them do in detail. There are two different methods Radon Crew...

May 25, 2017 news radon

The Sioux Falls New Homeowner’s Guide to Moving-In

You’ve bought your new home and moved in. Now what? You probably checked to see if the lights turn on and water comes out of the faucets. But what about all of the things that no one tells you about? There are a few things that Radon Crew wants you to look for and get […]

May 25, 2017 news radon

School’s Out in South Dakota

The school year has concluded, which means it’s summer. The kids will now be hanging out at home a lot more. What’s the one place in the house they are guaranteed to go during the summer? The basement. It’s the coolest place in your home on a hot summer day. You may not always be […]

February 28, 2017 news radon

It’s Time

The time to check your home for Radon is right now. We know, it sounds blunt, but that is truth. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer and the Sioux Falls area is the highest concentration in the country. So, how can you test for radon? There are a number of ways including […]

January 27, 2017 news radon

How Radon Forms

What is radon exactly, and where does it come from? Contrary to popular belief, Radon is not formed or produced as a commercial product, but instead, radon comes from the natural breakdown of Uranium, usually found in natural elements, such as soil and rock, but it can also occur in well water, thus...

December 2, 2016 Uncategorized

Building Safely

You decide to build a house. The easy decisions are between things like color, whether you want a porch out front and square footage. The difficult decisions include the type of kitchen counter, whether you want a guest bedroom (also known as an excuse for in-laws to stay longer) and if the basement...

December 2, 2016 Uncategorized

The Time to Mitigate is Now

The United States isn’t doing much about radon, and that’s dangerous. Radon is the second leading cause for lung cancer in the U.S. and safety from is only a few steps away. The risk of radon is known; those steps to safety are known, but little has been done to combat those risks. In both 1986...

November 3, 2016 Uncategorized

Customer Service

When someone gets hurt, you call a doctor. When you get into a car accident, you call insurance. When a contract is broken, you call a lawyer. When things go awry, you call the people who know what to do and how to get it done. That’s why you call the Radon Crew when you’re […]

November 3, 2016 Uncategorized

How We Test For Radon

Since radon is an odorless and tasteless gas, your home has to be tested in order to verify whether your home has a safe level of radon or whether steps need to be taken to make your home safe again. But what does that all mean? What does the Radon Crew do? Not many understand […]