The past two weeks we’ve kept the cleaning to the outdoors. It’s now time to focus on a room that probably needs a little lovin’: the attic.
We’re here to spiff up your attic so it’s not labelled as creepy or untouchable.
Spring cleaning is your excuse to throw (or give) away the junk. Some people may have a hard time parting with things, but now’s your time to throw away that terrible gift from your mother-in-law or the hockey equipment your son has outgrown. Cleaning out the clutter will not only provide space for what you want to store, but it will allow you to take inventory of everything that you have.
It’s important to vacuum the space while you’re up there. What you’ll find may surprise you: dead insects or animals (beware!), dust mites or other allergens. It’s good to keep this space somewhat clean, but also to make it more enjoyable for you as you continue with the organization process.
An effective way to organize this storage space would be to purchase large bins and label them: Halloween decorations, Christmas ornaments, winter gear, you name it. This organized method will allow for easy access to these items in the future.
Once everything is orderly and pleasing to you, breathe…it’s over! Treat yourself to a glass of wine, a cold beer, or a nap.
Now that we’ve brought the cleaning indoors, it’s a perfect time to focus on the possibility of Radon in your home. Radon is the silent killer. Did you know the grave statistic that 1 in 15 homes have unsafe Radon levels? Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer and could be lurking in your home. Ease your fears and call us today for a home inspection: (605) 336-1000.